"In an Age of nationalistic prestige, honor and power, the Constantinopolous family dare to bring the Eternal Light to an ancient culture struggling to survive...."
Set in turn of the century 1898-1900 China, this period film "Imperium Wars," follows the exploits of Charlotte Constantinopolous and her missionary family in the China of the Qing Dynasty. Imperium tells the story of many heroic Christian missionaries as never told before with a modern look back at the age of Colonial Empires. This is as at once a historical and spiritual journey; by way of the Berlin, of Germany's Bismarck the Great, the royal gardens of Regent Queen Maria Cristina of Spain, through the sugar plantations of Cuba, the White House of President William McKinley, the humble royal domain of Queen Liliouakalani of Hawaii, and the rising power of Mutsu's Japan, Imperium captures the story of a world in epic transformation which centers itself in the Forbidden City of Empress Xiao-Qin Xian's Manchu China.